With respect to age, there may be inherent consents and permissions required that must be obtained before a person is able to access any of our services (our free usable examples, free usable methods, and free or payment required limited licenses - collectively, our "usables"). We define an adult as "a person that is at least 18 years of age or older, and also considered to be of the age of majority with respect to their location of residence or current location". We define a minor as "a person that is under the age of 18, or not considered to be of the age of majority with respect to their location of residence or current location".

Although our definitions do not supersede the legal definitions of what constitutes a person as being of the age of majority with respect to their location of residence or current physical location, our definitions are never disregarded with respect to access of our services, and are unable to be nullified or voided as such.

With Respect to Payment Required Access:

A person accessing/using our payment required usables without the informed consent and permission of a surviving parental or legal guardian must be at least 18 years of age or older, and must be a legal adult with respect to their own location of residence or current physical access/use location; or, a person that is not at least 18 years of age, and is not considered to be a legal adult with respect to their location of residence or current access/use location, must have the informed consent and permission of a surviving parental or legal guardian that is at least 18 years of age or older, and that is also considered to be a legal adult with respect to their own location of residence or current physical location.

With Respect to Free Access:

A person assessing/using our free usables without the informed consent and permission of a surviving parental or legal guardian must be at least 13 years of age or older. Persons that under the age of 13 will require the informed consent and permission of a surviving parental or legal guardian.

With Respect to Payment Required and Free Access:

We reserve the right to require certain persons that we consider as being vulnerable, regardless of their age, to obtain the informed consent and permission of a surviving parental or legal guardian before we provide them with access to service with us.

Additional Information:

All of our services are moderated and governed by our Intellectual Property with respect to our limitations of service - and our requirements for informed consents and permissions are inherent to our limitations of service. As such, we will ensure appropriate consents and permissions have been acquired before allowing our services to be accessed or used by any person wherein informed consents and permissions are applicable.

When the informed consent and permission of a surviving parental or legal guardian is required by us, and has not yet been acquired by a person attempting to access service with us, we will inform the person that we require them to receive the informed consent and permission of a surviving parental or legal guardian in order to access service with us, via their attempted self-bond access to service with us.

We do not allow persons that are defined by us as being a minor, or any other persons that we have determined it would be inappropriate for, to be able to experience any form of mature or adult based content. Any minor or vulnerable person that accesses our services without the company of an appropriate legal adult, will always be personally chaperoned by the Consultant (and any applicable assistants of) so as to ensure their safety and well-being, and that any content that they are able to experience with us is appropriate for them to experience, and that no person or party is ever able to exploit them.

If a minor or vulnerable person is accessing service with us in a local shared experience party with a surviving parental/legal guardian, or legal next of kin that is a legal adult, we will still always be mindful of the minor or vulnerable person, and ensure that they are always safe and well, and that any content they are able to experience is always appropriate, and that no person or party is able to exploit them - without having to always be physically present with them. We do not allow minors or vulnerable persons to access service with legal adults, or even other minors, wherein those other persons are not appropriate for them to be accessing our services with. The same is true with respect to persons that are all adults.

Adults and Minors